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Meet the partners of Dutch Music Export.

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Buma Cultuur supports and promotes the Dutch music copyrighting in both The Netherlands and the most important export markets for Dutch (not necessarily Dutch speaking) music. The goal is to increase the Dutch contingent of the international music market.

Dutch Performing Arts is the chief fundraiser for music, music theatre, dance, drama and festivals in The Netherlands. This fundraiser supports all professional stage arts on behalf of the Dutch central government.

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The MMF is a platform for music managers, providing an open forum between members, discussing and addressing roadblocks and points of concern within the music industry. Like legal issues, contract formats, VAT-troubles, international rulebooks and subsidy.

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Popcoalitie is a partnership between a great number of Dutch organisations from the pop- and dance music divisions. Popcoalitie corresponds with government and institutions to target specific investments in prerequisites for development of knowledge, innovation, export, finances and human capital.

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