You have clear focus to write and/or produce for K-Pop the coming years.
You have full availability for May 3th - May 11th
You are a BumaStemra member for Europe & South Korea
You will contribute €1000 for this trip (approval from your publisher beforehand to finance this).
All songs created during the trip need to be finished to final demo's during or shortly after the sessions
Do you understand and accept these criteria?*
General Contact Information
BumaStemra member for the world?*
Have you been in South-Korea before?*
Which genres are you active in?*
Roles that you are able to take on?*
What is your preferred role?*
Upload three of your best K-Pop demos (unreleased) via DISCO (via this link). Please use the same e-mail address as used in this submission.
Have you uploaded your demos through DISCO as asked above?*